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  • Sale! Salus THB23030 auto balancing actuator/Salus THB2430

    Salus 24v THB2430 – Auto Balancing Actuator

    Original price was: £34.80.Current price is: £26.92. (inc.VAT)

    Salus THB2430 – Auto Balancing Actuator

    Motorised actuator with unique built-in automatic balancing control for under floor heating Systems to ensure each circuit is always correctly balanced.

    As a “fit & forget” addition to underfloor heating, the use of an auto-balancing actuator removes the need to manually monitor and adjust flow-meters within your underfloor heating system, which can prevent the need to call in installers for those unfamiliar with the operation and maintenance of an underfloor heating system. They can be especially useful when retro-fit to systems where the original pipe lengths are no longer known, but are equally beneficial to new systems due to the ease they create upon installation.

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  • Sale! Salus THB23030 auto balancing actuator/Salus THB2430

    Salus THB23030 – Auto Balancing Actuator

    Original price was: £36.00.Current price is: £28.12. (inc.VAT)

    Replaced by new Salus THB23031 – Ultra THB.

    230V motorised actuator with unique built-in automatic balancing control. Ensures each circuit is always correctly balanced.

    The use of an auto-balancing actuator removes the need to manually monitor and adjust flow-meters. This can be especially useful when retro-fit to systems where the original pipe lengths are no longer known. Also beneficial to new systems due to the ease they create upon installation.

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  • Sale! thb23031-ultra auto balancing actuator

    Salus THB23031 – Ultra THB – Auto Balancing Actuator

    Original price was: £36.00.Current price is: £30.00. (inc.VAT)

    The Ultra THB Actuator utilises advanced technology to automatically balance the flow of hot water throughout the underfloor heating system, ensuring consistent temperatures and maximum comfort for end-users.

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  • Salus T30NC230 underfloor heating actuator

    Salus T30NC230 – Electro Thermal Actuator

    £12.50 (inc.VAT)

    Salus T30NC230 – Electro Thermal Actuator

    Thermal actuator for energy saving, used to regulate surface heating and cooling systems.

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  • Salus T30NC230 underfloor heating actuator

    Salus T30NC24 – 24 Volt Electro Thermal Actuator

    £12.50 (inc.VAT)

    Salus T30NC230 – Electro Thermal Actuator

    Thermal actuator for energy saving, used to regulate surface heating and cooling systems.

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  • Heatmiser 2 Wire Thermal Actuator (TA230) for wet underfloor heating

    Heatmiser 2 Wire Thermal Actuator (TA230)

    £14.16 (inc.VAT)

    The Heatmiser TA230 is our 2 wire thermal actuator.
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We sell a range of underfloor heating actuators for your wet underfloor heating project or system. This includes 230v, 24v and auto balancing. The actuators provide individual loop control for each port on the manifold. The actuator opens a valves on the manifold when instructed to by your thermostat. These actuators are normally wired to a central wiring switchbox like a Heatmiser UH4 or UH8. They come complete with a threaded ring nut that screws to the manifold valve. In some cases the ring is fitted onto the valve and then the actuator. For more information about these products or for professional advice with your upcoming project or installation – please call 0141 459 3141 or fill out your details here with a copy of your floor plan and we’ll be in touch.